Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Story about DHS

Hi my name is Brittany Harris and this is my tell of what happed when I was taken by DHS/CPS from my mother.  Now I'm not going to say I was in a happy home because I was she just didn't know how to take care of me, her own mother abandoned her because she got pregnant with me. The person who got her pregnant didn't know she was because she thought he wouldn't love me, or her.  So here we go after she had me she went to live with her dad my granny told me that while she was there, there was trash every where and roaches. Granny told me that they were even crawling on me, when I got taken it was 6 weeks of living in that and my mother never bathed me once. And let me say again back in 1988 mothers learned from each other there was no hand book yet telling you how to bath your own baby. So the doctor called it in on this, the court took me and told her if she wanted me back she had to do what DHS told her to do. It took 2 years and not once did she really visited me or anything by the time I was 2 I thought my mother was my foster mom. At 2 year of age my great aunt and uncel was having words on wither to adopt me or not. And they said they would, and there was a great court fight between my foster mom and father with my birth mother and my great aunt and uncel. By the time I was adopted by my great aunt and uncel I was almost 3 years old and wasn't potty traned by then.

        Through the years from age 6-15 and again at 18 it was really bad I was raped by my great uncle and his 2 son's, when I tried to tell my great aunt what was going on she would try to wash my mouth out with soap real soap.  One day she caught her youngest son doing this to me, she came in there in my bed room (which wasn't only mine it was her and her husband's bed room). And she told me never to do that again and that it was me wanting it and I should never tempt my brother like that (my cousin). And then that was about when the beating's started age 6, she would carry her anger home with her and beat me. By the time I got kicked out for calling a guy friend of mine I was 19, I moved out and she tried to call the police on me saying I was mentally messed up and I should be home.  Well I wasn't and the police only said they could check up on me noting more, they did and there was nothing wrong.  By the time I got married my mother in law had to tell me what was wrong with me and it was depressed. I had been on pill's at first and then I went off of them doing my best and it was working till my worst night mare came true.  After having 3 kids they were taken also away by DHS/CPS we are working right now to get them back and it's also taring my little boy my oldest up. He now is showing signs of depressed and it kills me inside seeing him like this.

If you like you can share your story's too.  Just e-mail me with your story and I well change name's for your sake so nobody knows who you are, or just commit below and tell me.

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